Appointment with Family doctor went really bad…

Long post and I know I will get thrown rocks because I am lucky to have a family doctor but I had a very stressful and almost traumatic experience with my doctor this week.

Context: I am off work for burnout, it’s been 2 weeks now. I had been to the walk-in clinic initially because it was urgent and my doctor was on vacation. I needed it badly. So the doctor I saw two weeks ago put me off work for two weeks because she’s not my family doctor. Here I am 2 weeks later with my family doctor to ask for 2 more weeks because I need it.

From the beginning before I even sat down, she tells me that at 23 years old you don’t get burnouts and it does not happen. She says no, I’m not helping you and says a lot of inappropriate things about my situation and refuses to help me. I need it, I didn’t invent it to not work. I’m normally someone who loves to work and works a lot. I have never asked and never been in this kind of situation before. But at work I have too much work load and there is only me to do the good part and I have to do the job in duplicate. She tells me to change jobs and settle your conflicts (easy to say). She also tells me you entered the room smiling you is correct (I always smile out of politeness when entering and it’s not because you smile that you’re okay.) I felt judged and abandoned when I had the strength to say that I had enough than I could handle and that I needed help, a break. I don’t think she was professional in that situation. I had to “fight” with her almost for help. She was making head gestures to say “no” and almost laughing at me.

Besides, I don’t get paid so I don’t do it to get money and not work.

How am I supposed to feel after that interaction? I just feel like my feelings are being invalidated and that I don’t deserve this. I do not want to see her again but I will need to go to the private sector that’s more expensive but I think it would be better for me.

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