GOING TO THE PYSCHWARD? here is some free advice
hi, i’m a 22 yr old female who lives in the US. i have been to two different “psych wards” in the past five years....
hi, i’m a 22 yr old female who lives in the US. i have been to two different “psych wards” in the past five years....
I can't do this. Even the old me, the me before all of this would have struggled. This new me this weak me the me...
I feel like I want to cry. I feel the need to cry. However for some reason my mind have kind of blocked me from...
I left my emotionally abusive, narcissistic dad this past weekend. I am officially homeless, broke, and trying to remain hopeful. I found out things about...
I use to be super into drawing and music and games but now I do absolutely nothing and even watching anything doesn't interest me. I...
My mother is homeless living in her car and there is very little I can do to help her. My father hates me and we...
I reached out to a local therapy center and they have recommended that I check into their residential treatment facility for my mental health issues....
So i dont know how to put this one up but im angry most of the times! Ive recently been hired into a huge company...
It feels like I’ve undergone a severe decline in my cognitive functioning, and I don’t know what to do. I have found it increasingly difficult...
I'm not really sure how to word this so it's definitely going to sound weird, but I decided to ask here in case someone knows...