RAMAS DEL YOGA, parte 4: pranayama
RAMAS DEL YOGA, parte 4: pranayama #pranayama #filosofiayoga #conoceyoga ♬ Lo-Fi analog beat – Gloveity
RAMAS DEL YOGA, parte 4: pranayama #pranayama #filosofiayoga #conoceyoga ♬ Lo-Fi analog beat – Gloveity
Просто снимаем напряжения в шее #ashtanga #здоровоетело #yoga #pranayama ♬ I Wanted to Leave – SYML
interview of Wilhelm Reichs daughter #orgone #orgonite #interview #thoughts #alien #thought #strange #genius #biomechanics #jedi #energy #energies #chi #prana #yama #life #force ♬ original sound...
🔥 Unlock your chakras using your breath 🔥 Your chakras lie in your Pranayama Layer. Pranayama means “to activate your vital life force.” Your vital...
Alternate Nostril breathing can be done on one side if you need a specific outcome.. 5min only Right Nostril = Vitality- warming- energizing Left Nostril...
Struggling to sleep? Based on an ancient yogic method called pranayama, this breathing technique can help you get to sleep, or just feel calmer and...
Delve into the world of 1645 Hz! Let a minute be your gateway, explore the auditory realm, and recount your discoveries. For a deeper dive,...
When your to do list is long, try this to get it all done easier and faster. #focus #clarity #pranayama #todolist ♬ original sound –...
Breath is life. #kundalini #yoga #breathwork #pranayama #satnam #spiritualawakening ♬ original sound – illumine.houseofyoga
day 18/365 #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #pranayama #tuesday ♬ Creative – Smile