My mother is crazy
I vented to my mother abt having auditory hallucinations and she told me that she heard her dead father. Is she crazy? I got drunk...
I vented to my mother abt having auditory hallucinations and she told me that she heard her dead father. Is she crazy? I got drunk...
Does it make you feel bad when a client says what you’re doing isn’t helping them? Do you take it personally? My therapist has helped...
I don’t know what to do. My scalp is always itchy and I made my mother check for lice but there’s nothing there. I keep...
I’m 24 and was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, general anxiety and ptsd (medical field work related). Since then I’ve improved so much on certain...
I’m having thoughts of harming my ex and don’t know why this started.ive never had thoughts like this before. I never felt hatred towards her...
Hello, I know no one is probably gonna see this but I need an outlet right now. I’ve never done a Reddit post before so...
This is rly for me to vent but any all advice is appreciated! I’m realized that I’m becoming a worse version of myself. When I...
My depression has gotten a lot worse this year. I hit a wall a couple of weeks ago and suffered a little breakdown. I say...
My depression has gotten to a point where I’ve stopped eating and sleeping well. I can only muster enough to get to work and home....
Throwaway account because I wouldn’t want anybody to find this. I’m struggling. I’m only 20. Throughout my teenage years I dated guys that were already...