connection between brothers cut

let me start by saying that our father died almost 2 years ago on new years. since then my older brother has had a child with a woman he never planned to stay with and as of now theyve been apart for 8 months. My brother is known for starting problems< mental manipulation, physical abuse… He broke our fathers nose right in front of me when i was 6 and he was 16 and i will never forget the amount of blood flying. despite his faults, being so young i could never grasp why my whole family shunned him. now recently ive been struggling a bit financially as an adult and my brother is nearly 40. weve kept in touch periodically especially since our father died but its never much its always him telling me he will call me later and later never comes. he recently asked me for 25 dollars and claimed it was for work at lunch. Of course, hes my brother i dont want him to go hungry at work. he had told me that hed pay me back the money the very next day when he got his checked. his past and probably present drug addictions tugged on my conscience but i pushed it away. and when i asked him to pay me back he ghosted me. he lives towns away and i cant get to him. But it became less about the money and more personal. a few days ago our fathers birthday passed and he refused to speak a word to me. last nignht i had had enough, he had blocked my number as well as my facebook so i messaged him on instagram with very harsh words that im not sure i should regret or not. i made it clear i thought he was a piece of shit for lying to me, he was a coward for not talking to me and ended it with “fuck you you maggot, block me but make sure you see this so you know what you are.” I apologize for reusing the words but the anger and hurt is real. i love my brother but i think at this point in my life i need to erase that love

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