Constantly sick with pain mentally and physically and got alot going on

I’ve been taking anti biotics for this s*** scalp folliculitis on and off for 3 years now usually flucolaxicillin. Since January I’ve been ill so many times I need the toilet random times multiple times a day during work I feel ashamed to go because my team lead is a d***. 1 and half weeks ago I had a severe cough, loss of balance when trying to walk and stand up, highs and lows of body temp. I got better and couldn’t see Dr cos they useless my old gp gave me appointment when It was suitable or even just let me speak over the phone and they’d give me a solution without having to see them in person sometimes but I had to switch as I’m in a different town now but it’s literally close and I’ve moved in and out of these 2 towns before and I didnt have any issue I was there registered since birth! The current practice I’m registered with is useless they won’t give me medicine or anything without me going there how am I supposed to go there if I’m not feeling well. Do they want me to poop my pants there?! And on top of that they keep giving me early appointments when I work night shift! When I asked for later on so I can get some sleep they say we can’t unfortunately. Why not!?!?!? Since the 21st I only ate shwarma wrap that day at 5:20pm from outside. Then after 2nd break at 1 am I was feeling unwell Monday morning I had sharp pain and diohrea ordrerd imodium and its just been a cycle if I don’t take imodium I get constant stomach pains 7/10 pain scale, stomach growling, I’ve only drank water mainly but I’ve had 2 pizzas dominos on Monday and Tonight (25th) cheese garlic bread from some shop near me. Threw up a bit 5 mins after eating only 3 or 4 slices. Then since I’ve not wanted to finish it I suspect either cheese, milk or some kind of dough used in the shwarma wrap and pizzas is causing this issue? Pretty sure Dominos is gluten free though?? Based on this do I have food intolerance now and could that be cause of my folliculitis on scalp also I just really want some help for this alone I spoke in IBS group and they were not welcoming since I’m not diagnosed with it and they were not helpful so I deleted that post. Mentally I am not well I am stressed I am supposed to get mortgage now and offer was accepted I’m rinced of money and I have to borrow from my mum for the conveyance fee it is too far aswell i can’t make my mind up this issue all the time any decision I can’t make I always end up choosing wrong one 2 years ago I missed out on Aldi Manager apprentice program I just needed to do the last interview but by then I already had the offer from Accounting place so my step dad said go with that since they put pressure on me to respond by a certain time or I wouldn’t get it ended up being worst mistake I hated it I was slow learner but now I have better work ethic it’d ruined by my constant illness and I always have to use my time build and emergency for this crap. Already had a meeting about it once but also alot of people got fired and didn’t make their 3 month probation at Amazon so I’m one of the lucky ones. 1 year from now if I went with the aldi one I’d be on 50-62k at 21 years old and a company car + good benefits and great pension. But my step dad made it crap for me to live at home anyway any small thing he’d hit or swear at me for it and then threatened to kick me out. Other family member was notified off it but they decided they didn’t want to keep me and I could find my own place which is fair enough but they moved me back there said it was for only 2 weeks while guests where staying there then they never rang back or come to see me after 1 week he was moaning already and I ended up in a flat ontop of his failed business shop where he is subletting I pay cheap amount of rent but I have stress too much living here they make noise, don’t turn lights off after use the bathroom is disgusting constantly getting sick. There’s now a mushroom growing in the corner near some dried up hair god knows how long! On top of that the guy has the audacity to charge me £25 a month for cleaning fee I got mad and aaid why do I need to pay for cleaning when yous the ones who’s been living here and not cleaning your mess. I didn’t mind to pay it as I thought atleast it would be clean but they don’t even clean it it’s the same! Fridge has mold in so I can’t eat or cook food from home no toaster. Constantly my sleeps disturbed. So this is the reason I wanted to get my own place but now my mums complaining about the money she has to borrow me because my step dad will get mad when he comes back from holiday. I’m in mess wtf do I do and should I go ahead with this mortgage or live here until I’m well and save more since I’m ill I can probably get fired any time. And if mortgage I loose my income I’m ruined.

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