Do i have panic attack or something similar ?

Hi, i've never post anything on reddit so i hope im doing this correctly (also sorry if im not always making sense, english is not my first language)
Im an high scholl student and i know i have a lot of problem with my mental health but nothing diagnosed (i dont see a therapist and never assume anything by myself)

recently im having those moment where breathing is kinda hard or i just feel like im not really breathing, my chest/heart hurt and i have the urge to cry. I also really struggle to do things even the simplest task, my head is like full of thoughts that i can't always put words on it ? if that makes sense, its like, overwhelming

and i did some research and the first thing to appear were panic/anxiety attack but i also read that those also includes nausea or dizziness or stuff like that ? but i dont have those symptoms.

i know i should probably try to talk to a doctor or something but im scared it's nothing and just me-
does anyone have any ideas about it please ?

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