Does claiming care for a stranger really help anyone here?

We see uplifting posts and stuff that say things to the effect of, "in case you need to hear this: you are loved." Or "I care for you" "I love you" from random people you have never met or even from people you connect with across social media.

Does any of that actually help others?

Personally, all I can think of is, "I don't know you and you don't know me. I don't value your claim. Stop stoking your own ego as if you're doing something please."

I feel more connected to scenes from a show/movie, or a passage from a book where someone is stating their own experiences that I can relate to, that I could swear they reached into my head and pulled out those words, or that scene from my own life. But then I get discouraged because most of these stories either magically resolve themselves or the character has an epiphany that I don't relate to…

But maybe this is just me. What are your thoughts when you find these random "I love you" posts to no one in particular?

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