Does it really not count as sexual assault?

18 months ago (ish) I went on a first date with a guy, stupidly had too much to drink and went back to his cus he had thc (I’m an idiot I know)
He decides to tell me, after he watches me take about 20 puffs of his vape, that you’re only supposed to take a couple of draws. He leads me up the stairs, at this point I’m crawling because I can’t stand. Then we had sex and I was drifting in and out of consciousness, also like 90% sure he recorded it without telling me.

People close to me tell me to go to the police, I go through a traumatic interview… the next day they phone me and say “but did you ask him to stop” I say “no not exactly” and the lady says “then it doesn’t count and we have no reason to detain him for an interview” and they do nothing about the fact that I was pretty adamant that it was recorded and the case was dropped.

When my family found out they stopped talking to me for being so reckless. Idk I was just having a night out? I know I need to take some responsibility here though, and I don’t want to paint myself as a victim if I really wasn’t one.

Please be kind me, I have heard about 1000 times since it happened that it was my fault, or that it doesn’t count etc. but I do feel extremely violated anyway, and it’s exhausting

Thank you ❤️

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