Does my sister have a mental health issue? Need advice

My sister is 14 years old. Every single week she has a new medical thing that needs help immediately, we ALWAYS take her to a doctor and there has NEVER been anything wrong. I’m not exaggerating about anything; Last week she had pain in her shoulder, it’s all over now. Two weeks ago she had concentration issues, it’s all gone now. Three weeks ago she had such bad stomach pains she had to walk home instead of bike, but everything’s ok now. Three days ago she suddenly stopped eating and complained about losing weight, I told her it’s because she’s not eating. But she’s just come back from McDonald’s, so that’s over now. This week she started complaining about always being thirsty. She’s kinda always been like this but it’s been so bad recently, she NEEDS to see a doctor for ever minor problem and I used to be annoyed but now I’m kind of concerned. I started thinking it might be some sort of attention disorder or anxiety? Does anyone have any advice on how to approach this?

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