Don’t know what is happening to me.

Let me start be saying English is not my first language so I apologize if some part of my story don't make sense, I will try to be as brief as I can. 12 years ago I was diagnosed as a type 2 bipolar, it was hard and I had a lot of med changes through the last 10 years.right now I don't like too much my psiquiatrist but I 100 % follow her instructions to the T, the psiquiatrist that first gave me a good diagnosis and meds is now dead, so there is no chance of going back to him. I also have weekly appointments with a psychologist and the process with him has changed my life. This is I think the basic context of how I deal with my illness.

Through a lot of work the last 3 years I have gone over a lot of hurdles, only the people that I tell know about my illness but other people don't recognize any strange patterns on my behavior and I am pretty much a happy human being. As of last month I was doing a lot of cardio and going to the gym, started a relationship with a new girlfriend and my parents are visiting me from abroad, on the other side my dog is really sick, I have no money to pay rent or food and also I am out of a job, sounds bad but luckily I have back ups in friends and family That I know won't let me die.

The problem: Last 3 weeks a have been feeling strange, I have no energy in my body, for strength or cardio, lack of motivation and my appetite is super high. I asked for blood exams but there was nothing out of the ordinary, my psicologist hasn't answered my messages and psychiatrist also just sad that meds are working and whatever this is it is not any type of manic attack and also I don't feel depressed, mostly anxious. Has this ever happened to anyone else? what can I do to get back to my normal self?

PS: I am taking 3 different meds but I am not sure if I can say here what they are, one is an antidepressant, another is for the anxiety and the other is a mood stabilizer.

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