Finally letting go of someone who strung me along for years

So there has been this girl that I’ve loved for a very long time we dated for years but always on and off. I’ve told her multiple times my feelings and we talk and then when it’s time for us to date she’s ghosts me and then last minute she’s like wait I changed my mind. It’s been about 6 years this dance has been going on, I finally told her today, that I’ll always love you but I’m starting to realize we will never happen again and I’m finally ok with that but I can’t keep doing this I wish you all the best good bye steph. Part of me feels horrible but the other part of me is incredibly proud of myself for doing it. I need to start prioritizing my happiness then trying to please others. That’s all for today folks. Idk if anyone else can find comfort, or the courage to do it as well but what ever the day may bring you can do it, I’m proud of how far you’ve come along and if you need a friend I’m here for anyone.

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