getting so stressed by apple event on TV right now & its annoying use of language – anyone with me? or am i alone…

seems to get worse as I age- not just my perception but the way people talk in america.

This may sound funny but it’s really adding to my stress & i can feel a migraine coming on as a direct result of the stress

EverythingEverything is “stunning”, “incredible”, “phenomenal”, until they run out of adjectives, and then they repeat them.

Currently having to sit through the Apple ipad event on TV, because I can’t find my noise cancelling headphones & there’s no other room to go to. I like Apple products & would be interested if it wasn’t for this irritating over use of sales language… do people really fall for this nonsense?

Instead of focussing on specifcations or technical details, it’s 99% hyperbole & 1% content. I’ve so far counted about 11 adjectives on repeat, in almost every sentence. *”industry-leading”, “powerful”, incredible”, “astounding 38 trillion operations per second”* ***(nb: not just 38 trillion but an astounding 38 million****)* , *”breathtaking”, “outrageously”, “stunning”, “breakthrough”, “incredible”, “game-changing”*, “world class”

It’s like it’s on loop in every sentence. They can’t spit out a single sentence without a hyperbolic adjective at the start.

I have apple devices but it’s really off-putting at makes it so infuriating to watch any of their new product release events.

Am I alone in this?!!

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