Help me understand breakdown over food.

I’ve been wanting spaghetti Bolognese for 2 days now and me and my boyfriend cook it differently I went into the kitchen to talk to him and I saw that the the bolognese was brown I asked him what he did he said I put gravy in it (I do not) I just walked out the kitchen and had a breakdown in the bedroom real ugly crying breakdown. This was out of the blue and I don’t know why but when he came upstairs he said what up with it and my response was it’s supposed to be red not brown you’ve made a cottage pie with spaghetti and I got so worked up and I have no idea why.

I know I sounded like a child (I’m 28) and I’ve not actually got this worked up about food before. My boyfriend left me alone to cool down and came back in and said did you run out of spoons today. Did your pen run out of ink ( a saying for when my breakdowns happen over the smallest thing because I’ve let everything else build up) I said I guess so and apologised and he understood.

I just don’t understand why this tipped me over the edge. He was being nice, he was cooking my dinner and I flipped because it wasn’t red wtf is that about.

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