How are you managing your depression?

I have been dealing with grief from the loss of my mother and also with a breakup. I was not doing well for a long time. Couldn’t focus, just sad all the time, stopped working out because I couldn’t get myself out of bed outside of having to go to work (I even ate in bed and regressing again to continue this trend). I decided to get on lexapro which messed up sleep, I had crazy night sweats, could barely focus on anything, and was constantly tired. Anyway, I got off of it and have been trying really hard (not sure why it feels so hard) to get back to the gym. My self esteem is low, constantly feeling ugly, unworthy, eating like total crap…and I mean crap. Ice cream every single day, cookies, lattes full of sugar, carbs left and right. Before this spell of depression, I was looking and feeling fit.

Anyway, I want to know if there are others out there that are trying to heal with or without medication and what is working well for you.

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