How do I talk to a therapist without getting drugged up?

– Do therapists have a money incentive to prescribe drugs?
– how do i let my therapist know that if i do have a mental health issue that separates me from how most people behave that i want to put the work in instead of taking things to sedate me

My mom revealed to me that she’s been watching my behavior patterns for some time, as good mothers do, and noticed i go through swings that resembles my dad’s bipolar disorder.
I’m not against seeing a therapist for a consultation but I’m worried that if I see my mom’s therapist then the therapist would be quick to prescribe drugs. But i don’t think i necessarily want to take brain alternating drugs before my brain is fully developed. I’m 20 so i still have some time.
I feel as if my mom was very quick to accept drug treatment for her therapy as she takes 4 different pills a day for her mental health.

Maybe I’m just scared after watching house of usher tho.

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