How to deal with sudden changes

I've recently been experiencing a lot of changes in such a short amount of time . I had some abandonment trauma when I was a child and I know that it's being triggered now . I wasn't born in the U.S. but my parents wanted a better life , so my father immigrated first and once he was established petitioned us to come over. Unfortunately, at the time (in the 80's), I was too young to join my family . I was separated from them for a little over a year . But that was during a fundamental year of my life .

Now, I've gone to therapy for years and for the most part have healed from it . I know they sacrificed so much to give me the life I was able to experience. I love my family very much and we're all in a very healthy and loving relationship.

Now, my parents are retired and aging . They aren't as able bodied as they once were and have moved back to my home country. This was something I knew was happening and of course I was sad. They come to visit for 3-4 months at a time , so it isn't so hard for me. However, now my brother just dropped the news he's moving back. What does this mean for me? I'm the only member in my family left , that's here. Literally, all my family I'm very close with is back home.

If that wasn't enough, my husband began a new job that doesn't allow him to work from home . At least while he's getting settled into his new position . It also means he has to travel out of state for training. The training sessions are weeks at a time . I'll fly out for one of those weeks , maybe.

Within the span of 3 months 3 major things happened and I'm having a hard time managing my emotions . I'm anxious and I'm at the brink of becoming depressed (this is something I have worked hard at whenever I have a depressive episode).

Has anyone had something similar to this? Specifically with major changes such as family moving far away?

My husband has been incredibly supportive . He planned a long vacation trip to visit my family later on this year and even let it come out that one of the benefits of his new position allows him to liaison between the company and my home country. Which means, he has plenty of intentions to move us there . Unfortunately it will be several years as he needs plenty of certifications first . I never asked him to do any of this and because of that, I'm so very touched with it .

Unfortunately all of that is in the future. And I need to figure out how to cope now. What are some things that helped?

I'm enrolled with a wellness coach to help me make plans and goals . As well as be an emotional support but what else?

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