How to talk about my feelings without crying in the first minute?

After COVID lockdowns I (21f) started tapping into my mental health issues and reviewing some family trauma and I’ve come a long way when it comes to self confidence, being at peace with myself and my life etc. but I still struggle with talking about my feelings.

The problem isn’t that I don’t want to or that I find it hard to confide in family and friends, but the fact that I geto very emotional the moment I try to put my feelings into words (and let’s be real even if I’m just thinking about some of my feelings/struggles for a long time by myself) and often end up crying. That is fine when I’m talking to my best friend bc I’m comfortable crying in front of her, but I don’t think I’ll be able to get my thoughts across to my parents if I start crying before I even make a single coherent thought out. My mom is very emotionally intelligent so it’s easier to talk to her as opposed to my dad who is probably worse at it than me. Still, I don’t want them to feel bad or sorry for me and I think that would happen if they saw me bawl my eyes out. I’ve cried in front of them before of course and it’s not that I don’t feel safe, I just think the conversation and everything I’d like to tell them regarding our relationship would be much more efficient with as little crying as possible.

Did anyone struggle with this and managed do get through it successfully? Does anyone have some advice? I thought about practicing voicing my thoughts out loud but I feel silly doing it lol.

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