I can’t name what I feel

So hey guys
I am feeling really lost and lonely rn and what's making it hard is that I am far from home and tomorrow I have final exams but I keep having panick attacks
I don't know if it's exam's stress that's making it worse cause I am in a major
That I really don't like but I have to do my best for my mom cause she carificied so much for me Or is just me holding all the emotions that I experienced before and now I am just showing them
I met a lot of people in my life and no one actually stayed so sometimes it makes me wonder is it really their fault or is it my fault cuz it can't be like this how can all this people be wrong????
And also I noticed that no matter of good things you do to a person when they don't care they really don't,matter of fact they will misunderstand you and they will think you are desperate but that's not true you just show them the good side cause you love them ….sometimes I feel really dumb when I do things And the other person doesn't show any careness,it makes me feel like a person with no dignity
And I even try to change myself just so they can like me and cuz of this thing I feel like I lost myself
And now I feel like I wanna cry my eyes out ……..

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