I feel as though I’m never enough.

Here’s the thing, I’ve struggled with self harm and suicidal thoughts since I was 9, I’m 19 now and I have been going to therapy for years but nothing seems to be helping, I’ve been asking for some sort of diagnosis for years so I can know I’m not just being over dramatic but again, nothing came out of that. I do feel as though I have something the lines of Bpd or a borderline disorder of some sort but my therapist just blames it on hormones and low mood. A medical therapist has recently prescribed me some antidepressants although I haven’t actually taken them as my pharmacy hasn’t got them yet. I don’t believe antidepressants will help me in any way but I’m trying to find a way to cope until I start taking them and until they kick in. I constantly feel as though I’m not enough and everyone I speak to and gives me advice only help me for a couple of hours and then I’m back to feeling like I’m wasting my life away but I don’t have the energy to actually do something with myself. That’s why I’m turning to randoms online. Someone please tell me if these feelings are at least semi normal or something along those lines and if there’s anything I can do to feel better for a slightly longer amount of time please do tell. Thank you.

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