I have been..

Suicidal for 7 entire months now.. like we’ll I was on and off before that but since october 6th I’ve been extremely suicidal, not like every moment of everyday, but everyday. I’ve also just been having the most painful mental breakdowns, the littlest thing sets me off. My fiance puked and passed out (which has been happening a lot lately I’m really worried) again when he was supposed to be on his way home and I’m obviously worried and I’m so hurt that he isn’t home tho that I tried to kill myself.. seems extreme, yes, but I genuinely feel bad enough in the moment that I’m violently sobbing and freaking out and I grab a knife and slice myself. I’ve tried that so many times lately… so. Many. Times. I told my cousin about it but I don’t really think she gives a single fuck, she only cares about her man tbh. Nobody takes me seriously. I’m exhausted. I don’t know I just wanted to share that somewhere because nobody knows the full extent I just told my cousin about a single isolated incident. I’m also poor as fuck and can’t seem to land a job, we are getting evicted. 🤣

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