I saw a dog alive one minute, dead the next. Not sure what to think or do

I was just driving through my neighborhood and saw a little white dog wondering around, so I pulled over, got out of the car, and tried to call it towards me. It ran away towards a more busy road, but also to the right where a sidewalk is. I hoped it would just walk near the sidewalk and not the road. I called someone to report it on the neighborhood Facebook, and then I started driving and saw a little white dog laying on the side of the road. I thought to myself that there is a chance that was the dog I scared, so after driving past it, I turned back near it, parked, and got out of my car again to go see if it was really dead. If it it wasn't maybe I would try to grab it and bring it to safety. I ran up to it, and it was dead. The eyes were bulging out of its head. My stomach felt like it turned inside out. I put my hands on my head in shock, and left. I feel so bad for that family. I can’t help but feel somewhat responsible for it going in the road since I scared it and it ran in that direction, but I also realized I was trying to call it towards me, and I was trying to save it. I consider whether I should have ran towards it, but that probably would have scared it more, and maybe it would have for sure went into the street, but maybe not? Maybe it would have ran in a safer direction? There’s no way of knowing, and I feel so bad for the dog and that poor person or family who just lost their dog. I also don’t know how to process this.

Pray for whoever lost their dog from this please.

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