I think i could be autistic

I dont know because i might just be weird, i mean i dont act like other autistic people like in media and stuff, i tend to keep it to myself (i think masking is whats its called and what it could be) but i still have a lot of symptoms and stuff, like i have lots of sensory issues (common ones like tags and the socks not feeling right but also ones like i cant drink out of cups with thick rims and i have to be wearing socks at all times except when im in the shower and i literally can not eat crunchy food it makes me cry). I am super sensitive to loud noise (unless its my music in which i cry if its not loud enough) but like i cant walk through hallways because they are too loud and crowded which makes me late to most lessons (i feel like this has nothing to do with autism and more just claustrophobia). I constantly rock back and forth or fidget my legs and what not and when im happy/excited i tend to jump around (stimming potentially?)

I constantly get told by my family that i shout when i speak even when i think im being quiet and that what i say is rude even when i dont think it is. Ive always had some form of obsession from as long as i can remember tbh (harry potter when i was like 5-8ish descendants when i was around 8-10 and now haikyuu) and its like a very full blown obsession. One more thing worth noting is i almost always feel like my bones are trying to crawl out my body (this probably has nothing to do with this but its so annoying i have to mention it) it makes me almost always in a constant state of uncomfortable ness and it drives me insane.

Another thing is that i completely switch personalitys when im at home. Im relatively outgoing at school and would defo so im an extrevert but when i get home its like my whole personality flips. I hate speaking when I'm at home and usually just talk with grunts and 'yes' 'no' or 'ok'. Idk i might just be overthinking it. Ive also always had this weird feeling that im just really different and that im not like real compared to everyone else and yeh (check my last post on r/mentalhealth about the feeling weird) but i feel like wrong saying i think i might be or even asking to see like a person to talk about it with because i dont "act out" like a lot of the autistic people you see in media and yeh.
Please someone help xx

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