I think I need some advice. My best friend’s gf keeps having fits of rage due to her mental health.

Tl,Dr: My friend’s gf has mental health issues and has episodes where she smashes things and hurts herself for no reason. What can my friend do to help/prevent this?

They’re both early 30s, he’s been happily with her for around 8 years now.

She suffers with mental health issues (though idk beyond severe depression and anxiety) which she is medicated for and also doing therapy.

My friend confessed to me that partner sometimes has episodes where she will randomly work herself up and have a fit of rage; she pretty much flips from being the quiet, kind person she usually is.

Recently, this happened and she started destroying their home, smashing things, hitting herself and pulling her hair out.

Of course my friend tried to help and calm her down, but she screamed at the top of her lungs and wouldn’t listen to him. She threw him outside and he didn’t have his phone, so he had to wake up his neighbour to call for an ambulance (and the police showed up too).

She felt absolutely disgusted with herself the next day as you can imagine. I’m not here to try and suggest how to get them to split up or anything. They’re very much in love and everything is otherwise good as far as I know.

What I do want is some advice to give him of what he can do when she’s having an episode? She doesn’t want to be touched and won’t really listen much to him when in that state.

Thanks in advance.

Ps, from the UK if that matters.

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