I think I’m just going to end it all.

I think I'm just going to end it all. I don't care anymore and I am sick of it. There's no point sitting there all day being sad because it's the only option. Nobody cares anymore and no one has even bothered to check up on me. I'm tired of being nice to everyone because I don't receive it back. I don't feel any love anymore. My own mother seemed to give a shit more about a jumper than me. I decided to wear a jumper a friend gave me in resi and when I came out of my room my mother started to yell at me thinking I stole it from the shops. I had proof that I didn't steal it and she didn't believe me still. My family haven't even talked to me unless if Id done something wrong. They have never acknowledged my mental health seriously because they think I'm 'attention seeking'. Nobody has even noticed that I haven't been able to sleep for days nor have they noticed I haven't eaten. I'm only allowed to speak if spoken to and if I speak first they completely ignore me. The only thing I can do is to sob about it because I can't do anything great to change their opinions about me. I'm just fully convinced nobody gives cares about me because Im basically invisible to everyone. Nobody would care of a grain of sand disappeared so they wouldn't care about me. My family and friends act like I'm not even there unless if something went wrong and I get the blame for everything. I'm not even sure if anyone here is going to take this seriously and you guys are going to think I'm attention seeking or lying.

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