I’m finally free

For 3 years, I've been abused physically, pinned down, hit, slapped, raped all by my own fiance.
The one who claimed to love me but yet controlled everything I did.
The one who made sure that I had no friends, no family, no job, no life, and the one who made sure to destroy my university education and my career.
The one who made sure to spend every single drop of his paycheck on himself so that we had absolutely nothing to spend for bills, and so that I could not buy myself anything.
The one who consistently cheated on me several times throughout the years, and even the audacity to have done it within this week.
The one who has the audacity to try and beg his way into mercy because he cheated because he "needed someone to talk to" as he's fucking these women
The one that has the fucking mentality to abuse his own son and laugh about it.

And finally, this week, I will be free along with my son.
We finally have the opportunity to leave, and I am fucking taking it
I will finally be free in another state with my son and we will both work our asses off so that we may have a home. We'll have to be homeless for a minute but if that means getting away from this narcissistic abuser then we'll do it at all costs. I have no money. I have nothing. That man had made sure of that. I can't take it anymore with him. I'm SO HAPPY MY SON AND I HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEAVE. OUR LIFE WILL BE SO PEACEFUL
The one who ignored my CPTSD, anxiety depression, ocd adhd, and called me lazy because of it. Told me that these things didn't matter and that they don't affect me..
..I'll finally never have to remember again. My son will never have to remember again

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