I’m miserable

25yo. No education, no job, no social life, no hobbies, no money, bad physical shape, embarrassment to my parents. All I do is sleep all day and scroll internet. I've been like this for years. I don't have energy for anything. My agoraphobia got worse. I've been on SSRIs for few months, it did help a little bit, but now I'm at the rock bottom again. I'm scared to go outside, I'm scared to talk to people, all I can do is just sit and scroll internet. My old school friend told me that she doesn't want to talk to me anymore because I'm a loser and nothing changes in my life. I've already wasted my youth, my potential, I'm so chronically lonely and deprived of normal life, I don't even feel human anymore. I don't know what to do. I feel sad that I waste this precious gift of life on nothing. I feel so defeated, miserable, embarrassed, good for nothing, unable to change, stuck in this mental health hell. I don't know what to do.

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