Im Not good at getting over being offended.

So. I’ve fallen on some pretty difficult financial times. I’m managing the best I can. But I asked my sister for a little bit of help. And her answer offended me so much I haven’t spoken to her since.

The thing is. It’s not that she said no. I never really expected a yes. Nor do i feel entitled to it in any way. But she basically told me in so many words that the answer is no because she can’t be the person to help me every time things get rough. Basically implying if she says yes to this one thing that I’ll be coming to her for stuff all the time. This really bothers me because I have NEVER asked her for help before. EVER.

And on top of that, I help with stuff all the time. Like watching her dogs, moving furniture etc. And don’t get me wrong. She does usually pay me when I help her. But to be clear I never ONCE asked her for anything in return for my help. I just agreed to do it because she’s my sister. And I never turned down payment because why the hell would I?

But I still just really don’t like the implications of her answer. And I more or less told her how I felt about it but she proceeded to ignore me once I pointed that out. But I just can’t get past it. It’s bad enough not being able to call on family for help(even tho she is more than capable of giving it) but what sucks is seeing just how little she believes in me. That she sees me as the mooching brother who constantly needs money despite the fact that it was my first time asking.

And it sucks because. This is probably my mom’s doing. She had a sister who came to her for financial help all the time. And mooched off her constantly til my parents finally cut her off and she got her shit together. And it’s like. I feel like I’m paying for my aunts sins. I never did anything to deserve this reputation but my aunt did and they decided when I was practically 10 years old that I was just like her. I barely even know this aunt. I’ve met her 4 times in my entire life. Yet I feel like she practically ruined my life.

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