I’m struggling

I'm just going to ramble I don't fucking care how it sounds. Fuck you.

For the past few months I've been caught in the middle of a bunch of fucking people arguing with each other. Granted some of these people didn't want to argue but their actions lead to this shit. And this is stuff I'm becoming increasingly more aware of as an autistic individual and how behaviour works.

My sister 16 didn't want to see my Dad for in my opinion some pretty unfair reasons which are too personal to go into but I've been in the room with them both and I know it's bullshit.

My Dad is the most fucking caring person. He cares so much and fuck this shit.

So after a few months of shit and somewhat stable time shit hit the fan when we found out that my step baby cousin with Down Syndrome died.

Brilliant. Just what we needed after EVERYTHING that's been happening.

I've been sobbing and crying we all have been so extremely upset with the situation, some have dealt with it better some not as much but you get the point it's been shit.

Then less than two weeks later my grandfather dies a day after my Mother's 50th Birthday.

Fucking perfection. Thanks world. THANKS!

Still dealing with the outpouring and sadness from his passing but I just fucking can't bye.

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