I’m the only person I know who has basically no life.

I’m a 33 year old unmotivated hippy lady who after high-school I wasn’t meant to be anything more then a drug addict. I didn’t party in high-school but I feel like I should have because maybe I’d be dead by now which was the original reason I started using drugs in the first. I’m good at some things but fairly useless talents to someone who’s Autistic and will never leave the house ever again because Normal people don’t accept people like me in society. They definitely don’t and neither do my parents. I guess no parent wants a hyperactive annoying kid who then bloomed into a really stupid and completely useless waste of skin who always thought drugs were for the week. And I guess that was me now so i went against my beliefs for the sake of hurting myself as much as possible. Fast forward now I’m over 30 and now when people see me they’re like OH heyyy you used to be so hot🔥 Yeah I’m a little chubby now you noticed? So did I….i am now barely anything more then a very hopeless, traumatized and still useless broken soul with a broken brain and not enough reasons to be alive. I’m only here because my parents still want me alive I guess…to tell me how much I suck and what am i gona do with my life? This. Nothing. I’m gona lay in this bed and watch TV forever. And maybe smoke a Doogie. Pop some Valium and eat cake in the dark. Got my Disability cheques which means I’m Retired! Peace ✌️ ☮️ Ps: you might need a crane to lift me out of the house for my funeral in like 57 years from tomorrow!

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