Do y’all have any medication suggestions for depression and anxiety?
What anti-depressants and anxiety medications helped y’all the most? I was diagnosed with a depression disorder called dysthymia and I used to be on them...
What anti-depressants and anxiety medications helped y’all the most? I was diagnosed with a depression disorder called dysthymia and I used to be on them...
I unintentionally hurt my best friend last april and ever since then I had to spend hours appologizing to her and explaining my behaviour over...
Been off this medicine for 6 months was on it 2 years I no longer have anxiety problems I still am bipolar but no manic...
As the title says, I have been feeling lonely, and depressed at the same time. I also lost the motive to do my hobbies. I...
I just really wish I was someone I could be proud of. However, I cannot. I can never seem to complete things and I procrastinate....
20M here. I feel like I'm extremely behind when it comes to relational development. I was a decently normal kid with autism growing up, weird...
I got exposed to erotica pretty young, probably around 7/8 so it could just be that. But I was always drawn to movies and stories...
I try… I really do… not matter how hard I try I fail to be enough. I’m merely a punching bag or a stepping stone...
I, 27F, have a history of rumination/ reoccurring intrusive thoughts. I have struggled with this for almost 12 year consciously. Today my grandmother fell while...
Hey everyone, I found this helpful info about the 4 types of PTSD symptoms. It's a simple guide on how PTSD can show up in...