Little brother (19M) might have develeoped schizoprenia.

So this isn't about me but my little brother whos 19, im 21. I'll try to keep this brief, sorry I'm not too educated when it comesto mental illness.

My brother was perfectly fine up until about 2 years ago he had a physcosis episode. It started with him being isolated. He would stay in his room a lot but none of us thought anything about it, he was a teenage male. Fast forward to this episode, for context my brother wasn't religious before this happened, but seemingly out of the blue, he started becoming HEAVILY religious, he called me on the phone and told me how the "rapture" (not sure how to say it, but Christianitys end of the world). was coming soon. He would see things that he would think is God showing him signs and stare into the sky (it would be like birds flying in a circle. He ended up getting arrested for trespasssing (hes not the type to ever get in trouble before this) and was in a mental hospital for 3-4 weeks after a baker act. This intense episode was a one. time thing, other than that he ran away like one time and police helicopters had to find him. As I said before, my brother before all of this NEVER has been arrested, got in trouble in school or the law, and was an atheist.

So that's how it began. Fast forward today its much more subtle. He will seemingly be fine and normal, but then i'll hear him on the phone wil someone say satans trying to get rid of him. He put extra locks on his door (paranoia I suppose, we havent done anything to him he just did it.) Standing outside in middle of night and blowing into a horn, irresponsibly blowing his entire paycheck on things online that dont really make sense or are useful. There's more but these are just signs happening even today, it's not like the one episode, it's not intense and he isnt endangering himself or anyone, but he's just, off… It hurts me so much to see this happen to someone, esepcially a family member you grew up with. It's like its still him, but its not… Anyone have any thoughts..

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