Missed work for two days..

Hi, it’s been two days since I haven’t been to work. I texted my boss yesterday that I wasn’t feeling well. Today, I haven’t mentioned anything to my boss, had my phone on Do not disturb because I knew I wasn’t in the right mind to come in but too guilty to text him I wouldn’t be showing up today too. My mental health was really bad during my days off which caused me to call off these two shifts. I’ve been having insomnia, anxiety and my emotions are all over the place. I have called off many times and promised him that I would do better because I do not want to keep missing my shifts (i am a good worker but I am trying to break my habit of calling sick)

He texted me asking if everything is alright which I haven’t responded to yet and I have a shift tomorrow. I don’t want to act as if nothing because clearly something is wrong if I haven’t showed up in two days but I don’t know what to say. I know they are probably worried & my boss is understanding but I am still worried and afraid to text back & show up tomorrow 🙁

I am waiting for a clinic to call me back to an confirm my appointment so I can have it booked for my up coming day off for some help with my mental health (I take anxiety meds).

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