My ex sent me a video of her having sex with another man.

So just recently today I received a video from my ex and in the video she was performing a sexual act. I honestly am a little hurt and not feeling ok. How does a person even react to this. What should I even do I just never experienced this before.

29 Replies to “My ex sent me a video of her having sex with another man.

  1. It seems like sheā€™s trying to incite some kind of reaction from you. Personally, I think the best ā€œrevengeā€ in this situation would be to block and delete her without saying a word. Sheā€™ll be seething that she didnā€™t get the reaction she was looking for and youā€™ll have won without being an asshole back to her

  2. Ignore people telling you to send something that can get you into stupid and avoidable legal trouble..

    You could tell her you’re sending it to them and then block her and let her panic. Delete that garbage too cuz I’m pretty sure it’s trash either way.

  3. Are you sure sheā€™s the one who sent it? Maybe you should ask her. I mean, could it possibly be someone who was jealous of you and wanted to know youā€™d be permanently out of the picture?

  4. Do nothing. Say nothing. Donā€™t feel hurt, youā€™re not with her for a reason, and the video is proof of this. Soā€¦ do nothing, say nothing, feel nothing. Because she feels nothing for you homie.

    This was:
    The hard truth with Vodoko1, thanks for reading.

  5. My ex is a pornstar. Ofc I have not watched. I got over it with a sense of humor… I taught her everything she knows. Your ex is being petty. Try to be the better person and let it go.

  6. Donā€™t listen to the antagonizers in here.

    Delete that video. Delete all your text/snap threads. Block her on everything. It sucks a ton and is nearly impossible to follow through on, but its the cliche advice for a breakup for a reason. The shit works. Not having daily reminders of her will eventually start to help you. Give it a few months and it wonā€™t sting like it does now.

    A piece of advice. Donā€™t succumb to her immaturity. That is the most pathetic, embarrassing, and childish thing an ex can possibly do. Be the bigger person. Itā€™ll make you feel and look a lot better in the long run. It will also hurt her so much worse if you seem unaffected by her behavior. Shes baiting you. She wants you to retaliate. Dont give her that satisfaction.

    Good luck soldier šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”

  7. A) you look into pressing charges, in some states you can

    B) you tell her this is really low and also dangerous behavior for someone to engage in, and that if she sends you unsolicited sexual material again youā€™ll press charges. Block her.

    The thing is you have to wonder if somebody else got on her phone and sent you the video? So thereā€™s that

    Edit; i just read through the thread. Sweet Jesus do not send the video to other parties. Itā€™s fine to text them and tell that she did that, but do not send it. The legal narrative can change swiftly. and something to keep in mind is thereā€™s your sentencing, and then thereā€™s the phenomenon of what you go through when charges are pressed. Itā€™s not cheap and your lawyerā€™s prowess matters. I hope youā€™re not 19 with bipolar disorder or some BS and have already undertaken the advice of people who come to Reddit to masturbate. Oh god

  8. Don’t do it. You dodged a bullet man! You are better than her as a human and you deserve better. Take the win and move on. Don’t hold grudges, it’s corrosive!

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