My family’s dog is sick and we’re euthanizing her today

Pretty much like the title says, my family’s dog who’s been with me for almost 8 years and she started out as only mine, I lived with my ex boyfriend and his stepdad had her for a couple of years and didn’t take good care of her because he wasn’t a good person so I took over and we quickly became best friends. I have so much to say but I want to try to keep this short so long story short she became the family’s dog after I moved back home after the breakup.
She’s amazing, she’s everything you don’t want in a dog and I love it, she’s stubborn, she has the most judging eyes-she’s iconic. she’s a drama queen, she’s unwilling to listen but super fucking smart, like she unlocks doors and cages like she has fingers and runs out to get dick when she’s in heat, she’s not that into cuddles but it makes me appreciate it so much more when she wants them, she’s vocal like a husky and hits me and runs around in circles making it impossible to put on her harness when we’re going out, she also won’t let us touch her nails so when she hits she draws blood often, its a running joke in the family that it’s really an abusive relationship where we give her everything she wants and she hits us in return xD but she’s one of my loves, I feel like a part of me is dying, I selfishly want to keep her a little longer but I know it’s selfish and not in her best interest so she will get to rest, but I hate it. I have a younger dog who’s only mine and I worry so much she’s not gonna understand why she’s never gonna see her big sister anymore, I can’t explain it to her and it breaks my heart, and my cat too, they both grew up with their big sister..
I struggle with mental health and this brings up a lot of difficult emotions and I’m having thoughts of self harm, I haven’t cut for over a year but not once in that time have I had this overwhelming urge.
Thank you for reading, please help me

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