My symptoms are going all over the place

Hi I’m prin I’m 17 and I’ve been depressed since 2018
I’ve been going to therapy since mars 2021 for stress problems but stopped going there in Jully 2023. My therapist made me see a psychiatrist due to self harm addiction.
I started seeing my psychiatrist in October 2022 and I’m still seeing her today. I’ve also been seeing a new therapist that I like so far since may 2024.
Now that the broad overview is done here’s what actually matters
My psychiatrist diagnosed me with autism and depression and I’m under anti depressants since 2022 (prozac from November 2022 to February 2024 and now zoloft from February 2024 and on going). I’ve always been disconnected and disassociated from my feelings and emotions (I’m alexithymic) so it’s hard for me to actually explain how I feel and stuff- which led me to 2 suicide attempts from Prozac overdose while being unaware of how bad I felt.
At my last psychiatrist session my psychiatrist told me we might have to stop my antidepressant since they don’t work and that I might have to switch to mood stabilisers which apparently is not that common for typical depressive people and that she doesn’t understand what I have anymore because nothing seems to work but she’s convinced I’m not bipolar. On top of that I’ve been developing some psychosis (hallucinations, delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution) for a while which I also have to get checked at the hospital.
So I need to get a second psychiatrist to get another point of view

I always thought I had just autism and depression but turns out we no longer know what I have because my symptoms are going all over the place and she’s never seen a case like me and I’m tired of waiting I need answers

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