Need Some People to Talk To. Getting Older and Living through Constant Stressors

I need to talk, but I really dunno what to say to be honest. Maybe just vent.

I am 38 and I feel like life has thrown everything it could at me. Within the past year, my brother passed away, I lost my dog, my grandma passed, my mother and father have both been very sick, my granpap needed to be placed in a care facility for the remainder of his life, my spouse's father passed, and while they have been dealing with grief they've dealt with so many other stressors that they constantly feel like they are bombarded. Most recently, they watched a traumatic even unfold in front of them and despite not being directly involved it was too much to bear.

It is like every time we get a little ahead, something comes along and affects the both of us. Dealing with typical day to day stress like work, bills, or something as simple as making plans feels more difficult.

Luckily, my spouse is in therapy, I should honestly probably go too. I am just so used to being the rock.

Sorry, I just don't know how else to put it to words right now. Life is weird.

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