Nobody’s Home

Hello, roughly 2 years ago in 2022, I met a person on reddit, we talked for a while and eventualy became friends. We used to talk daily and spend time watching videos, listening to music (he lives abroad) and so on. We had some serious arguements thoughout our short friendship, mainly because I couldn’t understand his health conditions, as I’m non native english speaker, also were much more childish back then, I was 16 and he was 15. That caused us to have many misscomunication episodes. Eventualy a girlfriend came into my life and we started to talk less and less until we both decided to just stop talking, because it wasn’t good for both of us. Especially him, because he used to always talk about fear of being abandoned or being replaced. (He had no friends, had various issues/experiences and health problems that made his life and finding friends and just trusting anyone at all challenging).

Around a year ago, in 2023, I had him just pop into my mind, decided to text him and see if he’s doing alright. I apologised him for how things went and that I wasn’t a good friend for him, even offered to start over, but he refused, saying that he wants to improve his life and doesn’t want to get attached again. I understood, told him that he can contact me anytime if he ever changes his mind or needs anything.

We didn’t talk for another year, until 2024. Meanwhile during those 2 years, I had issues in my own life, my family started to fall apart, dad had issues with alcholol, police. Eventualy Life started to get better, I started focusing on myself, my now ex girfriend and I broke up a year after me and him stopped talking (2023). I was living a decent Life until the beggining of April this year. I had my reddit account abandoned for a long time. I needed some information regarding a certain topic, that’s why I returned. I saw a received message icon and checked it out of curiocity. What I found was quite shocking. He was texting me for a few weeks before I discovered those texts. He first contacted me on 15th March. It was like 10 essays worth of text in there. He didn’t seem to be as delusional at first, he was just talking about what he ragarded to me as serious (That he was hospitalised after a sucuide atempt, on March 1st and that he needs me in his life and so on) Then things started to take a strange turn. The more I read the less sense his messages started to make. He was talking as if I was talking to him being there with him. I couldn’t understand 80% of what he was trying to say, those texts were written in some puzzle type of thing. He was talking about me living with him in his country with his family, even had fantasies of lending me money to do that, started stating that I’m gay and I’m only afraid to say so because of views in my country, also stated that I tried to hurt myself, and that he would do anything to stop me from doing that, although I never had intentions like that, this started to really worry me. There were more texts where he would talk about things completely out of touch with reality, some methaphysical reality, that he thinks he’s reincarnation of Martin Luther King Jr., that his parents abandoned him, then talks fondly of them in the other texts, diagnosis he gave himself or were diagnosed himself with, he talked about BPD, mentioned shizophrenia a couple of times, although as of now he refuses to idea of shizophrenia, saying “We’re not schizophrenic” Why we? You tell me. He’s constantly stating the same stuff ignoring most of my messages, repeating that I’m gay and, that I’m in danger and suffering, that my life is worse than his, and that I’m hurting myself and blah blah blah. Stuff got intense after I actually replied to his texts. He said he felt happy, and at some point he started to have sexual fantasies about me, he texted a lot of disgusting shit of which half I couldn’t believe. Today I texted him, stated my boundaries once more, he looked like he was normal for a bit, told me that he had psychosis and that it was too much. But that didn’t last, things started to get weird again. He persistently started to state that I tried to Hack his phone, then camera, although I don’t posses any skills of programming to do that, and never had an intensiom even if I was able to do that in some other reality. I would give more examples, but I’m too exausted to even think about this more. I hope you get the picture. Can you tell me what am I supossed to do in this situation, to be honest I don’t want to continue any contact with him, because I feel like I will lose my mind too, I could block him, however I’m afraid he might hurt himself again, since I believe I’m his obssession as he has stated himself. This is my spare account as I believe he stalks every social media account I have. Please help.

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