Not Understanding Myself

For Context I’m 19[F] and currently a Sophomore in University.

I don’t understand myself. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m stressed or I have depression or what. I currently feel so drained and tired even when I get enough sleep I still feel drained and tired. And then some days I’ll feel like crying or just isolating myself and others I feel happy and actually wanna interact with people.

I really don’t understand what’s going on with me. Sometimes I feel like I’m trapped in this bubble and I can’t do anything while I wear a fake smile towards everyone else and act like everything is fine. How do I explain this feeling? I’m not understanding what I’m feeling at all. As said before I feel so depressed and isolated for days at a time then it’s like a break where I’m happy and it’s sunshine and lollipops only to go back to the gloomy days while wearing a fake smile, knowing I’m not okay.

It’s so werid to me that I’ll ball my eyes out for days at a time and then act like I’m fine afterwards. This has been going on for a while now and I just thought maybe I was having some off days but it’s happening more frequently now and I don’t know what to do.

What are some thoughts and opinions on this. Is it possible I’m suffering from something I’m not aware of?

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