Any advice or help

Im 18 right and I honestly dont know what to do with my life i still need to get my ged and my drivers license and my ID i feel like a waste of space i...

How to be happy with life

I don’t know what to do with life. The first time I got kicked out was when I was 12, no where to go. Until I was 18 that happened practically every year. However, 10th grade...

I’m struggling

I'm just going to ramble I don't fucking care how it sounds. Fuck you. For the past few months I've been caught in the middle of a bunch of fucking people arguing with each other. Granted...

Unpopular opinion

I may get downvoted but I feel like every professional that is allowed to work with inpatient psych patients should experience that themselves for a couple of days as part of their training…. Kind of like...