Why do I need sadness?

No emotion hits me as intense as sadness. It feels like I dont have capacity to feel happiness, love and other positive emotions. But that feeling of heartbreak that deep wrenching feeling in my chest is...

Stress is killing

I have been diagnosed with depression by two psychologists already and I’ve tried my hardest to get better. But I’m at my wits end here. Healthcare professionals here are either too expensive for me to afford...

Loss of Purpose

I recently got out of the military in august of 2023. Like many before me this change of pace and setting has sent me into a decline of my mental health and has left me feeling...

I need help

Guys a quick story of my life: Im 14,105kg,172cm, living in Cyprus, I was alone for literally all of my life. I have no real friends no one that i can talk to, i hate school...