Feeling alone
I can’t help but feel alone no matter if I’m sitting in a room full of people. I feel so numb anymore. Wishing I just had someone to talk to. Wondering if everyone would be better...
I can’t help but feel alone no matter if I’m sitting in a room full of people. I feel so numb anymore. Wishing I just had someone to talk to. Wondering if everyone would be better...
3 hospitalizations. Hospitals did nothing. Feel like I’m heading there again. No one to talk to. Cut off abusive family. Husband is aggravated with me because I am such a mess. Taking Effexor 225 and 1.5...
Long post and I know I will get thrown rocks because I am lucky to have a family doctor but I had a very stressful and almost traumatic experience with my doctor this week. Context: I...
Its been a Long day, and in this period i Just dont like my Friends anymore, it May Be because of my depression but i really dont know, i Just wanna be left alone…
one thing i never really got about low self-esteem is how hard it is to reverse. i never really realized the impact of going 90% of my life hating myself. i thought of self-esteem as something...
I’m a girl in my junior year of high school, and I am not popular in the slightest, and my best friend moved away 2 years ago and I’ve kinda been lonely lately. However, I’ve been...
I don’t usually do stuff like this but I have so many emotions I don’t feel real and I honestly can’t tell if I’m dreaming or not what is going on? How do I stop this
I’ve had issues with my mental health for a while. It’s recently gotten worse. I’ve been completely randomly breaking down in tears, having those thoughts again. I just turned 22. I have no goals, no aspirations,...
I wanted to share this with everyone out there. Grew up bullied my whole childhood, suffering with plenty issues,abuse and too much emotional Bagage. Thinking that someone could love me was just not it and i...
When I was younger everyone in my life was really shi**y and evil and this messed me up to say the least. I was a douche and liked to annoy people and couldn’t care less about...