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Like para parte 2 ✌🏻 #pranayama #yoga #respiracion #respiracionconsciente ♬ sonido original – Maestro Norberto
Like para parte 2 ✌🏻 #pranayama #yoga #respiracion #respiracionconsciente ♬ sonido original – Maestro Norberto
Hey guys im a 27 year old male. I moved to canada when i was 6 years old with my family and moved back to my home country macedonia(eastern europe balkans). The change was drastic but...
may the consciosuness of higher realms flow freely through you 🪷 #breathworktiktok #breathwork #awareness #bliss #meditation #meditationforbeginners #meditation101 #breathe #pranayama #stillness #love #peace #peaceandlove #consciousness #reality ♬ Hari Om Tat Sat – Meditative Mind
I just need a friend to talk to.
¿Que es Pranayama? #prana #pranayama #pranayamas #respirar #respiracion #holistic #espiritual ♬ Healing Water – The Meditation – Red Blue Studio
I'm a young boy who grew up In India, I've always done well in school, used to be the first one to answer, used to get a+ grades, used to be sporty, used to have friends...
evidências cientificas dos beneficios dessa respiração 👇👇 #respira #breathwork #curiosidades A respiraçao do oceano, é uma respiraçao muito praticada no yoga onde ela recebe o nome de Ujjayi Pranayama. Em um estudo feito pela Universidade de...
Oh listen.. I take adderall, Luvox, lamictal, and vistaril for anxiety, ADHD, OCD, and beyond everything else I have. But I don’t feel comfortable taking a lot of medicines and I want kids soon. So does...
Our blood vessels dilate when we have migraine headache, and in this we prefer poses in which head is higher than the chest So what we can do here, we will do the shashankasana here, by...
Any habit that you adapted and it made your mental health better?