I feel so dead inside

I (16M) feel so dead inside .I have few friends in school, but in weeknends and holidays, I feel so dead inside, there is no way to in contact with them in those days, and I...

Losing my best friend

My best friend (16F) and I (16M) have hit a roadblock in our friendship… she left me because I didn't appriciate her enough… atleast on the surface… I loved her so fucking much… from the moment...

New kind of headache

So sometimes i used to get normal tension headache and in the past i also had occasional migraine headache continuously for almost year, everything was fine since last few months Now i just baught a laptop...

Don’t do it.

I just survived a suicide attempt. My advice is don't even try it, stop thinking about it don't do it I still feel like crap even worse now I'm in some pain, but I'm still breathing...