How do I heal mentally

Been going through a lot these couple months and honestly, it’s taking a toll on me. I’ve tried to fix a situation, but she is not willing to fix and it’s getting to the point where...

Help please

Hey first time poster. Been struggling with mental health for years. And have got to the point where I am thinking of cutting. As I’m so numb sometimes. I’ve managed to stop myself so far. But...

Gender dysphoria

Hi, i am creating this post because i have some questions about gender dysphoria that i hope some people have more experience in than me. I am a 19 y old male, and i've been feeling...

finally deciding to get help

since i was little i have felt weird awkward and depressed. I've always struggled with anxiety and insomnia, i start profusely sweating, adrenaline starts pumping, my legs start shaking and i literally get tunnel vision when...