what is this and why

19f here with a problem that’s destroying my life and my relationship. i can’t see other girls without feeling like there’s something wrong with me. if a girl is shorter than me, she’s better because of...

Very quiet mind

From the moment I can remember I feel like I have always had a quiet mind. I don’t have constant active thoughts in my head. For example, if I was driving down a street and need...

extreme anger

I get so mad that I can’t do anything anything I just want to hurt myself really really badly and I can’t stop thinking about it the thing thats making me mad. And I want to...

I’m spiraling again

I got denied an apartment. This has never happened and I’m in total despair now. My finances have always been shakey, but I worked hard, found a better paying job, worked on my credit. I thought...

Constant déjà vus

I've been experiencing constant déjà vus this year and it really freaks me out. Today I experienced two , and they both happened twice. I don't really know if I should be posting this in this...