People on the internet need to understand this one thing

You can hop on reddit, get on a burner account, and wreak absolute havoc with zero repercussions.

You can respond to someone’s post about how they want to off themself and decide to tell them they’re a horrible human being for putting other people through that.

You can judge someone for using Reddit or the internet as a source of help.

You can make the conscious decision to bully someone who is at rock bottom.

It’s so incredibly easy being mean to people you don’t know. You’ll never learn their name, you’ll never see them in person. You’ll never feel the guilt or see their face when they read your disgusting message.

Like I said, there’s zero repercussions.

I’ll still never be able to understand why people do it. Why trolls are a thing. Why people find gratification in doing these things.

We learn to ignore the “internet trolls,” or we hear “don’t let them get to you,” as a response. But we continue to allow it to happen. It’s almost expected of you to just brush off rude comments and you’re weak if you let them get to you. Why is that? How come they don’t put algorithms in play to stop trolling from happening? Bullying on the internet has caused a lot of issues.

It’s one of the most disgusting things on the planet in my opinion.

Personally, I’ve reached out for help. Several times. Been at rock bottom, several times. Wanted to off myself, several. times. And every time, I’d get rude comments that just made me want to do it even more.

One rude comment almost trumps 5 nice ones. And they know that.

I understand the whole “hurt people hurt people” scenario but damn. I’ll admit it, it gets to me. I get that I’m putting a target on my back by admitting that but nothing will change if I don’t post this. Either way, I’m going to receive hate.

If you made it all the way down here, thanks for reading what I have to say. I obviously just received some hate and it obviously got to me. I’m struggling and being told I’m worthless by a stranger doesn’t make life easier.

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