Random image pops

Hi! I was just wondering if anyone here experiences random images mind pops? Lately I've been having a hard time with random images popping into my head, it usually comes at random, especially when I'm tired, I now literally hate closing my eyes thinking I'll see a random mental imagery, it's not gory or anything but it just bothers me like I think I'm just nuts. For example it throws me off sometimes when I'm talking, a random image would pop up, it doesn't cause me to stop talking or disrupt me in any way. It's pretty manageable but who wants to talk, especially about something serious, then all of a sudden a random image pops up. That's just weird and annoying. I don't know if it's always been here and normal and anxiety is just making me more aware of it, or it's an indication of something else. When I looked it up, of course the first thing that would pop up is a Schizophrenia forum rolls eyes and me who's a hypochondriac starts to think things again, sigh. Is this normal? Am I just constantly labeling everything as weird
I also experience hyponogenic hallucinations and I have daytime somnolence..

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