Reminder to hug your dogs and appreciate them! 🐶 RIP Luke

My precious dog, Luke, passed away recently and it has been very heart wrenching but I’m slowly healing and started appreciating all the lovely memories I’ve had with him. I kinda grew up with him and he’d always be by my side and it hurts to no longer see him there waiting for me. I don’t usually post on subreddits but I’m just doing this to remind people to give their dogs or pets in general a little bit of extra love because they deserve it! <3 if you’re dealing with a loss of a pet, things will get better! give yourself time to grieve and remind yourself of all the great times you’ve had with your pet. embrace it and accept it. you’re lucky to have had them be a part of your life just as much as your pet was lucky to have you!

Rest in peace, Luke
You’ve given me joy when no one else did. <3

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