Resources for to cope with stress addiction?

I have recently realized that I am addicted to stress. When I don't have a problem to think about or something to be stressed out over, I feel uncomfortable and bored. And I find myself looking for problems.

Adding a bit about my background just in case this helps give specific suggestions: I grew up being told to work and achieve all the time, and I feel like I essentially have lived in a state of stress my whole life. I also have an abundance of energy, and when it's not going towards solving problems, I don't know really where to put it. (Let's say I have crossed everything off my to do list and have accomplished everything for the day and beyond – what do I do then? I guess I don't want to always be in a "going" mode but don't know what else to do with myself.)

This is a completely new realization for me, and I don't know what to do about it. It's actually pretty sad for me as I'm realizing that I've spent so much of my life in such a depressed and stressed out state partially just because I'm actually addicted to it and because that has given my life meaning for as long as I can remember. Has anyone experienced this and do you have any suggestions or resources?

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